I've just spent an amazing week in a part of Greece called Kefalonia. If you haven't been I highly recommend going, and if you have I'm sure you will agree it's beautiful.

We stayed in a stunning villa which kind of turned into the RSPCA centre for the island. I started making a fuss with a particular stray cat, which turned into more cats and even a dog called Lucy turning up!

We had brilliant days out where we could snorkel, we ate a variety of traditional Greek meals and did lots of shopping. 

What I loved were all the gold and blue patterned bags and pouches, (which kind of makes sense as these are what I love sewing the most)!

I got lots of inspiration and soon as we got back, the sewing machine was on and lots of fabrics and threads have been flying around. 

Once some items have been made I will share these with you and how you can buy some pretty Greek themed gifts. 
